Nkhani Zakampani
Werengani zambiri
Werengani zambiri
Chingwe cha Channel-Channel-Channel - njira yopambana yotetezera zingwe zanu ndi luso losayerekezeka komanso kudalirika.
Werengani zambiri -
Kupanga kukhazikika kwa kukhazikika ndi malo ozungulira okhazikika
When it comes to ensuring the smooth and stable descent of casing in deviated and horizontal wells, liner overlaps, and shoe joints, the choice of centralizers plays a crucial role. Zina mwazinthu zomwe zingakhalepo, zotsekemera zowoneka bwino kwambiri zikuluzikulu za thupiWerengani zambiri - Munthawi yonse yosintha ma petroleum, kufunikira kodalirika komanso zolimba zida zodalirika. Mtetezi wokhazikika ndi chida chofunikira chomwe chimakhala chisamaliro chambiri. Adapangidwa kuti akwaniritse zofuna za ma petroleum, zatsopano p ...Werengani zambiri
Utaudzu wa masika akuthandizira Celing: Kuteteza mafuta ndikubowola bwino, chitetezo komanso chinsinsi ndizovuta.
Mu dziko lako lonse la mafuta ndikuwongola bwino, kufunikira komanso kusachita bwino. The Bow Spring Casing Centralizer is a breakthrough tool designed to meet these critical needs, ensuring optimal performance and reliability in the most demanding drilling environm...Werengani zambiri -
Shaanxi United Makina Conc CO., LTD chakudya chamadzulo cha chaka cha 2023
Werengani zambiri -
Kutumiza kwa Central Centers ku North America mwezi uliwonse
This year, the world economy has generally maintained a recovery trend. In the process of economic recovery, temporary fluctuations occurred in some areas. The economic growth rate is also proceeding as expected. We provide centralizer products for oil and gas drilling. ...Werengani zambiri - Mid joint protectors are an important part of the oil and gas industry and are designed and manufactured to meet the needs of customers to safely secure control lines or cables in and out of wellbores. Izi zoteteza zimachita mbali yofunika kwambiri pakuwonetsetsa kuti ndi ...Werengani zambiri
Kugwedeza kugwada kwa Spring Stor Cuntrage: Kopangidwira Kugwiritsa Ntchito Zovuta
Werengani zambiri -
Blaid Central Central ndi kuthekera kwake kukwaniritsa madzi okwanira madzi, ndikupangitsa kuti zinthu zizitha kuthana ndi mavuto osiyanasiyana.
Bow spring casing centralizers, also known as centralizer subs, are specifically designed to meet the requirements of drilling where casing has been run in previously cased or open hole sections and where annular clearances are extremely tight. Chida chatsopanochi chimayamba ...Werengani zambiri -
Oteteza a Esp akhoma amapezeka munjira zotetezedwa komanso zotetezedwa kwambiri.
ESP cable protectors are an essential part of the oil and gas industry, providing a robust and reliable solution to reduce cable risks during installation and prevent costly well workovers. Kutha kusinthidwa ndikusinthidwa ku mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya zitsime, pulote ya chingwe ...Werengani zambiri